Friday, May 3, 2013

Krka National Park to Plitvice National Park

Today we got up, ate breakfast and headed to Plitvice.  We wanted to compare the parks, since Plitvice is always listed as the one to see.

On the way, we were reminded of the war that was fought here in the 90's. War is such a horrible and meaningless thing. To quote my daughter-in-law, "Why can't every one just love each other and get along?"

While driving around last night, we came across abandoned military bunkers.  We had seen a lot of rock walls in the fields built close together and wondered why they were built that way.  Now we are wondering if they were actually walls used for defense. 

We traveled on to Plitvice, where we were able to get a room at a hotel in the park. Our room was on the 2nd floor and the breakfast room was in the basement.  They do not have elevators in a lot of the hotels, and this one was no exception.  I can tell you that I wasn't sure if I would make it to the room after our hike. 

After checking in, we went to see about hiking through Plitvice.  The information guide recommended doing the upper lake today and the lower lake tomorrow.  She told us that the last boat was at 6:30 and the trail would take about an hour and a half.  Did I tell you that Lonnie likes to take lots of pictures?  We only had about 2 hours,  and you never know how fast they walk to determine the time frame. I am guessing that it is much faster than I walk, especially uphill! I kept trying to hurry Lonnie along, but at 6 there was no sign that we were anywhere near a boat. We basically ran the last 20 minutes and got to the boat just as they were leaving.  At the boat drop-off we had to climb around 250 steps to get back to  the hotel. I wasn't sure I could make it, but I did.

We ate in the hotel and relaxed for the evening.

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